» 2020     
» Discount coupons for goods and services

18 сентября 2020

Discount coupons for goods and services


Many shoppers have come across discount coupons in stores or on the internet. They allow you to get a good discount on the purchase of a thing or service. For example, when buying a jacket, the seller gives away shoe dept coupons for a 10% discount. The next time you come to the store, you can buy any shoes you like and show the coupon to the cashier. The price will be significantly reduced.

What coupons are for

The advantages of entering coupons for a store are as follows:

- The ability to test a new product.
- Customer retention.
- Attracting new customers.
- Getting feedback for marketing development.
- High-quality promotion of a new product.
- Motivation of buyers for new purchases.

With the introduction of discount coupons, the store will never be in the red.

What products most often have coupons

The most popular are coupons for:

- Food.
- Cafes or restaurants.
- Pet food.
- Personal hygiene products.
- Electronics.
- Other services.
- Clothes and footwear. Entertainment. Coupons can be found both in the store and on the Internet. Big discounts are available on the eve of the holidays.






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